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Enter Shikari - Take to the Skies! -Album Review.

Take to the Skies is the début studio album by rock giants Enter Shikari released on March 25, 2007, exactly TEN years to the date and we have been treated to five albums and countless live shows since.

But will it still stand the test of time?


I was just hitting that age of 13 which meant lots of teenage aggro but also making life choices i would never look back on, one of these choices was slipping a Take to the skies CD into my mothers shopping basket hopping she wouldn't notice, little did she know, she had just started something that i would dedicate the next 10 years my life to.

The Review.

The album starts with a song called 'Enter Shikari' and straight away know what your in for, We can't get enough of that electronic musical start that has been a trade mark of 'Shikari's sound' for years. Halfway though the song you are met by frontman Rou Reynolds aggressive vocals and crashing blows by Rorys Lead's guitar. Perhaps the most important part of this fantastic song are the lyrics 'And still we will be here... standing like statues' That are still chanted by fans at live shows today.

'Mothership' is Enter Shikari very first song to be released and straight away you can feel the attitude the band want to create. This energetic song keeps you locked in, and wanting more with its catchy chorus a group vocals.

Our favourite song on the Album is 'Anything can happen in the next half hour' This song builds you up to then blows you away with a heavy breakdown. This song only falls flat because we believe the other songs on this album over shadow it.

'Sorry your not a winner' What more can we say? - just **CLAP CLAP CLAP**

The question we asked right at the start of the review, will it still stand the test of time? Its a hard question with the market flooded with great bands. If this album was released today, it would still feel current BUT it would't course so much of an impact.

Take to the skies is a fantastic album and to put it blunt, you must have it in your collection of CD's. Its a great first album by any band and for the time of release it really did start a movement of heavy music in the UK.

If you would like to see Enter Shikari like they are playing hits from TTTS album at SlamDunk Festival...

Tickets here.


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