Dead by April - Worlds Collide - Album Review!
Swedish metal-core band Dead by April are back with a Brand new album Worlds Collide, and a we enjoyed singing along to this little beautie of an album.
We start the album off with a song called 'Crying over you' and yes, its as cheesy as it sounds. The soft vocals at the start, and at first i didn't know if i was listening to, my initial thought was that 'Dead by April' had turned into chart loving boy band.
However Dead by April remind you that they 'Still Can do the screams' as the song switches from boy band Cleans to your typical post 2007 MySpace fry screams, which sets the pace for the most of the whole album, and by the sound of it your probably thinking i didn't enjoy the album. BUT you would be wrong.
Our favourite song on the album is the 9th track on the album called 'This Is My Life ' and is easiest the heaviest track on the album, this song takes me right back to old-school Dead by April. I only wish that more of the album was like this? This would a cracking song to see live and i really suggest you take a listen to the video below.
Overall I really enjoyed this. Yes your not going to
start windmilling or headbutting your Nan to this album, its not the heaviest, But its not supposed to be. This album exists to bridge the gap between two different types of genres of music and it will do a great job at introducing people to the heavier side.
Verzed.TV are proud to give a 7.5 out of 10 score of
and our official Stamp of approval to GIVE IT A STREAM!