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The Royal - Seven -Album Review!

Image it, just enjoying a week off relaxing in sun, Drinking a strong Jack'n'coke, tanning my much needed pasty white legs then BOOM you get sent a work email asking for you to review The Royals new album, BUT Thank F*ck my job is awesome.


The Royal New album called Seven starts off with that typical nonsense fast Thrash/Metal-core rift, yes that one that we have all heard before but with matching vocal mid screams. My original thought was 'oh no not a another generic metal-core album' but wait, maybe I'm too quick to dismiss it, what's this, good sound? Good production? Yes.

So I'm ticking more boxes then I'm crossing.

It is a good solid start to the album, it's got everything from slow chuggy breakdowns, guitarw*nkery to crowd interaction sing alongs.

The 5th track on the album called 'Counterculture' changed our perspective on the album as a whole, I f*cking love this. the contrast between the melodic piano and crashing fast paced drums and guitar, match perfectly! This song will play with your emotions, the attitude of this song keeps up with the pace and all the way through I was on the edge of my seat.


Overall I really enjoyed this album is a great collection of everything I would want to hear and see in a band, and definitely puts them on the map! And for that, we at Verzed.TV are proud to give a 7.9 out of 10 score of and our official Stamp of approval to


The Royal are a band one to watch out for in the future and I'm expecting great things from them. if they where touring locally I would recommend you catch them live!

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